Denver Bankruptcy Attorney Blog

New to Denver? Bankruptcy Issues when you Move to Colorado

As we all know, Denver’s population has exploded in recent years. Many people arrive here seeking a better life, but often have debts from the past that they do not want to follow them to their new home. Bankruptcy law is a Federal law meaning it is available in any state. A few rules do […]

Back to School Bankruptcy

For many families, this is the most hectic AND EXPENSIVE time of the year—back to school. Changing schedules, books, supplies and clothes, all produce both excitement AND incredible STRESS! The money part of this stress is HUGE. When people are struggling to make ends meet, the extra expenses associated with the start of school can […]

Independence Day and Bankruptcy

I am writing this on the Fourth of July, a great holiday celebrating our country’s independence, and see the language of independence and freedom as words we use every day in our law practice—bankruptcy results in freedom from debt and a new life of independence from the pain and burden of financial troubles. So, just […]

Why is Summer a Good Time to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Denver Colorado

The busiest season for filing bankruptcy is spring and fall. Tax season and bankruptcy go hand-in-hand because many people use tax refunds to pay their attorney fees. Fall is busy because people want to take care of things before the holidays. But summer is actually an excellent time to file chapter 7 bankruptcy and get […]

I have noticed over the years that one of the greatest benefits of chapter 7 bankruptcy for those whose income is based on commission sales, or who are self employed, is the release of the tension involved with crushing debt, and the corresponding freedom people feel to go out and make more money. This is […]

On July 1, 2015, the Colorado Exemption laws were changed to increase the dollar amount of much of the property a person can protect when filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. This is very good news as these amounts have not been increased in many years, despite inflation and the rising value of real estate. Perhaps […]

One of the most important exemptions in bankruptcy (property you can protect and keep) is the homestead exemption which protects $60,000 of equity in your home, or $90,000 if you are over 60 years old or disabled. This means that if you file chapter 7 bankruptcy in Denver and are current with your mortgages you […]

Booming Economy Puts the Squeeze on the Middle Class

CHAPTER 7 CAN PROVIDE RELIEF. I wrote a few weeks ago about rising rents and costs in the supposedly improving economy. Yes, certain indicators show things are improving, but PRICES are not keeping up with costs, and increased debt loads for working families are squeezing people harder than ever before. Yesterday, the stock market hit […]

Bankruptcy Can Help People with Large Student Loans Buy a House

The Denver Post published an article on August 17, 2014 noting that large student loan debt is preventing many prospective first time homebuyers from buying a house. When the bank reviews an application with high student loans, they reject it because the debt to income ratio is too high. If a person has a car […]

Why Are People Afraid to Call a Bankruptcy Lawyer When Drowning in Debt?

People are afraid of bankruptcy. They think they have done something wrong and they will be punished. They worry that they will be embarrassed, that someone will come and take their things, that the process will be painful and disturbing. So they wait years sometimes, suffering with crushing debt, before finally calling a lawyer and […]